March 2025 Auction!

March 2025 Auction Process

Thanks for checking out the 104 lots that comprise this year's auction offerings! This is the eleventh consecutive auction I have conducted. Through these auctions, items totaling more than $250,000 have been sold!

This preview period began Sunday, March 2nd. The auction will begin the morning of Sunday, March 9th. All lots will end at 9:00 PM sharp on Sunday, March 16th. (Times reflect that I am in California, so that is midnight on the east coast.)

Only those who have purchased a copy of the third edition of Vintage Halloween Collectibles from me are eligible to participate in the auction. (It will be soon too late to order a copy as I am down to my last few boxes. Don’t delay!)

Lots are represented below with thumbnails. To view a lot, simply click on the thumbnail to have it open in the same window. (You can also right-click on the thumbnail and select an option to open the link in a new window.) A page containing the lot number and title, additional photos, a description of the item and the opening price or current bid will open. Once a bid has been placed on any lot, the current high bidder will be indicated by a bidder number. Each lot is notated with a Relative Scarcity Index number (RSIN) and a condition number (1 through 9+ with 1 being poor and 9+ being near mint or better).

To place a bid is easy - simply send me an email directly or through this site. Your message should contain your bidder number, the lot number and title, your bid amount and your phone number. Once received, I’ll update the lot with your bid. If you are placing bids on multiple items at the same time, a single email is preferred.

Bids must be in whole dollar increments and must meet or exceed the lot’s published opening price. (All lots this year start at $15.) If you include instructions such as “top anything” or the like, they will not be followed.

Except for the requirement for bids to be in whole dollar increments, you are free to bid any amount on any lot once the opening price has been met. Do realize that your submitted bid may become the current high bid even if there is no other activity because this is not an incremental bidding format.

What does this mean? As an example, if the current high bid for a lot is $175 and you bid $250, the current high bid will then become $250, even without any other bidding activity. As long as a bid is submitted before the auction deadline, the person bidding the highest price for any lot will own that lot.

I will update the bidding activity often, with updates becoming more frequent as the end of the auction nears. On Sunday, March 16th, I will try to update bids on a near real-time basis. In the event of tie bids, the tie will go to the earliest of the bids submitted.

Once the auction closes, I’ll update each lot page to show the prevailing bid amount and prevailing bidder number. (This will take several hours as the number of bids being submitted in the last minutes has always been large. Please – don’t wait until the last minute, folks! 😊)

Invoices will be sent out by March 19th and will include USPS shipping costs, some with insurance. California residents are on the hook for a 7.75% sales tax unless a resale number is provided. Payment is expected no later than Friday, March 28th. Preferred payment is a check or money order as it allows me to spread packaging and shipping activity over ~10 days. Zelle and PayPal are other options. Please note that PayPal transfers will be accepted so long as no fees are involved, or if the prevailing bidder pays the fee. 

Good luck and have fun!